Yoga Classes

At the Gymnase, located in Mile-ex (Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie in Montreal), we offer several Yoga classes with different objectives: 

Vinyasa Yoga:

In this yoga class, the movements are harmonized with the breath to move fluidly from one posture to another. This is a more dynamic type of yoga. Vinyasa Flow refers to the way this style of yoga flows from one asana to the next, linking each pose to an inhalation and exhalation. It is a continuous, dance-like sequence that helps you stay present throughout the process. Vinyasa increases flexibility and endurance, calms the mind and improves mood.

Hatha Flow:

Hatha Flow Yoga is a balanced practice, slower than Vinyasa Yoga, and faster than Hatha Yoga. You will follow movements and static postures, with awareness, focusing on the breath and the precision of the asanas.

Vinyasa + Yin:

This class is the perfect combination of movement and relaxation. During the first part (Vinyasa), we focus on movement in harmony with the breath. The flowing sequences of postures build strength, stability and agility. During the second part (Yin), we hold the poses for a longer period of time. Passive and accessible, these poses stretch the muscles and tissues in depth. An excellent complement if you are used to training your muscles intensely.


What is yoga?

Yoga is essentially a discipline based on the search for harmony between body and mind. It is both an art and a science of healthy living. On a palpable level, yoga is an ancient form of physical exercise, which emphasizes body strength, flexibility and breathing techniques to enhance emotional and physical well-being. The most important elements of this practice are the yoga postures (also known as asanas), which are designed to increase the strength and flexibility of the body. 

Vinyasa is one of the most powerful forms of yoga, as it requires physical stamina, coordination of movements with the breath and sufficient elasticity. It is derived from traditional Hatha Yoga and is based on movements that are closely linked to the breath, one after the other.

When Vinyasa is practiced at a fast pace, it is more like Power Yoga, but the real benefits of Vinyasa Yoga are behind the asana practice and the emphasis on how we breathe in and out when changing poses.

Yoga philosophy

The need to embrace the present moment and not look back or project into the future, the need to know yourself better and understand your body and mind, the need to think about the things that really matter to you and separate yourself from outside noise - all of these can be satisfied through the practice of yoga. 

The asanas practiced in the yoga class taught at Gymnase increase both strength and flexibility, while improving concentration. The flowing sequences of postures encourage stability and agility. You learn to channel your energy, to use it in a more positive, calmer way.

The benefits of Yoga

Regular Yoga classes provide many benefits. Here are three of them:

Heart Health:

Both Hatha Flow and Vinyasa are excellent cardiovascular workouts that promote heart health. These practices lower blood pressure and slow the heart rate. They also support immune system function.

Muscle strengthening and toning:

Yoga is one of the best styles of yoga for muscle toning. Many poses, including the downward facing dog pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana), the upward facing dog pose (Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana) and plank pose, help build upper body strength. Standing poses are particularly effective in strengthening the hamstrings, quadriceps and abdominal muscles. Almost all Hatha Flow and Vinyasa poses effectively strengthen the core.

Mental health:

Numerous peer-reviewed studies suggest that yoga classes effectively relieve stress and calm the mind. People suffering from anxiety and depression can use yoga practice to improve their mental well-being through regular exercise. In one study, university students struggling with anxiety underwent an eight-week program of yoga and meditation. Results suggest that yoga practice is associated with significant improvements in anxiety symptoms and quality of life for practitioners.

Yoga classes in Montreal

The yoga classes offered at Gymnase, located in Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie in Montreal, blend the perfect combination of stretching to improve flexibility, mental focus to improve awareness and muscle toning for a stronger, healthier body.

Throughout the session, the instructor adapts to each participant and can offer posture options at different levels of difficulty. 

Good to know about the Yoga class offered at Gymnase:

  • Class offered on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday

  • Class duration: 60 minutes

  • Please bring a yoga mat and a water bottle.